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Kremlin to Spend $1 Million on Putin Inauguration Party

The Kremlin plans to spend up to 26 million rubles ($867,000) on a lavish reception to mark the inauguration of Vladimir Putin as president on May 7, according to a tender document on the government purchasing agency's website.

The Kremlin plans to spend up to 26 million rubles ($867,000) on a lavish reception to mark the inauguration of Vladimir Putin as president on May 7, according to a tender document on the government purchasing agency's website.

The zakupki.gov.ru website reveals that some 1,000 guests will feast upon includes delicacies such as sturgeon in champagne sauce, fried crab, mini-ratatouille and cocoa cappuccino.

But a presidential spokesman said the final decision on what would be served had yet to be made.

“The menu has yet to be approved," Viktor Khrekov told RIA Novosti. "The names of the dishes published on the website are no more than ideas."

Putin is known to be a fan of Tsarist Ukha, a traditional Russian fish soup, as well as fine meats. Guests at the reception will also be served the Kremlin's own premium vodka brand, Kremlin Award.

The Kremlin's plans were attacked by one of the leaders of recent vote fraud protests.

"This seems particularly monstrous given recent reports of worsening economic problems," said Yevgeniya Chirikova. "This will harm Putin's reputation.”

"Cookies are nothing compared to sturgeon," she said, referring to a recent documentary on state television that claimed Moscow protesters were paid with "money and cookies."

Putin secured a landslide victory in March 4 presidential elections, which the opposition claimed were marred by electoral violations.

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