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Chechnya’s Leader Kadyrov Takes to Instagram in Search of His Cat

© East News / APRamzan Kadyrov
Ramzan Kadyrov - Sputnik International
The head of Chechen Republic has turned to his constituency for help looking for his runaway cat.

"We have completely lost our cat. <…> Visitors have always said that he looks very much like a tiger cub. Ten days ago, he disappeared. We all thought that he would reappear, since he is very attached to the children and loves to play with them and go out with them in the yard," Kadyrov wrote on Instagram, in a post illustrated with a photo with the enormous striped cat.

Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov - Sputnik International
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"But now we have begun to seriously worry," the post reads. "Perhaps he is with someone nearby. That person may not know how to find the owners. I am sure that no one needs someone else's cat. Therefore, we would be grateful for any information. Thanks in advance."

Some of Kadyrov's followers offered consolations to the longtime leader, saying that it's mating season for cats. Others shared their own stories about pets disappearing but later coming come.

Фото опубликовано Ramzan Kadyrov (@kadyrov_95) Май 16 2016 в 4:29 PDT

Kadyrov's cat is a toyger, a breed whose name comes from "toy tiger." Famous for its tiger-like bright striped colour, a kitten can cost up to 100,000 roubles ($1,550).

Kadyrov is known to be fond of animals. He owns a private menagerie that includes a tiger, a lion, a bear, several wolves and several dogs.

Despite noting previously that he's not into cats, Kadyrov has posted several photos with them on social media.

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