SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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Joint US-Philippines Military Exercises Suspended Over Unknown Airspace Intruder - Reports

© AP Photo / Aaron FavilaФилиппинские и американские военнослужащие участвуют в совместных военных учениях в Салакнибе в форте Магсайсай на севере Филиппин
Филиппинские и американские военнослужащие участвуют в совместных военных учениях в Салакнибе в форте Магсайсай на севере Филиппин - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.04.2023
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - An unknown object violated airspace over the largest ever joint US-Philippines military drills, forcing the exercises to be temporarily suspended, Philippine media reported on Wednesday.
During the exercises, an air intruder appeared right above the city of San Antonio, which was spotted in the sky by a radar. So far, the Philippines has not identified what it was, and the drills were immediately suspended following the incident, the Inquirer newspaper reported.
"Safety is the primary consideration in conducting the exercise, any interloper and intrusion in the exercise that will endanger the lives of people — whether intentional or accidental — these are general considerations," spokesperson for Philippines’ col. Michael Logico said.
In this June 9, 2017, photo, soldiers ride a military vehicle on the outskirts of Marawi city, southern Philippines. The Philippine military says 13 marines have been killed in fierce fighting with Muslim militants who have laid siege to southern Marawi city. - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.03.2023
Philippines, US Kick Off Joint Military Drills With Up to 3,000 Soldiers
Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was watching how the two countries’ navies were sinking a ship of a potential enemy – a decommissioned Philippine corvette – near San Antonio, the Manila Times reported. Marcos hopes the country will "benefit from enhanced cooperation with the United States," the presidential spokesman said, according to the news outlet.
Around 12,200 US soldiers and 5,400 service people of the Philippine armed forces are taking part in the drills, which started on April 11 and will last through April 28.
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