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Top 10 Weirdest Things Travelers Tried to Smuggle Through Airport Security

© Flickr / Truthout.orgTSA search
TSA search - Sputnik International
The Transportation Service Administration (TSA) has had a checkered history, to say the least. What is even more questionable are some of the finds posted to the agency’s ever entertaining Instagram account.

Here are some of our faves:

© INSTAGRAM/TSAEels. Live ones.
Eels. Live ones. - Sputnik International
Eels. Live ones.

1. Bag of eels. A passenger passing through Miami’s international airport in 2012 tried to transport 163 tropical fish and 22 invertebrates to Maracaibo in Venezuela. The passenger surrendered the items to the US Fish and Wildlife service.  

2. The Batarang! Yes, folks, apparently the TSA stopped Batman in San Antonio in 2011… he must’ve taken a wrong turn trying to get back to Gotham.

3. Mortar round…  so many unanswered questions here.
4. Cellphone stun. Red flags all around, since, you know, no one has used a pink Nokia since 2004.
5. Bull dog keychain.  According to the TSA’s description it’s a “punching device.” This looks less like something used to fight off a mugger, and more like something Christian Gray might use in Fifty Shades.
6. Lipstick Taser. Cue like a hundred Bond villain jokes.

7. Stuffed animals filled with guns. Mickey apparently saw Blow and listened to Gangster’s Paradise on repeat. Seriously, who in their right mind thought they could get a gun through airport security by hiding it in a stuffed animal? That’s like the worst stereotype from a bad drug smuggling movie from the 90’s. 

And speaking of drug smuggling…

© INSTAGRAM/tsaBecause no one has ever tried to smuggle pot in a fake food can before.
Because no one has ever tried to smuggle pot in a fake food can before.  - Sputnik International
Because no one has ever tried to smuggle pot in a fake food can before.

8. In a valiant effort some brilliant scholars thought it would be a great idea to try to smuggle pot in a tomato soup can. Perhaps they overlooked that smuggling narcotics is actually one of the reasons the TSA exists. A for effort guys… okay, more like C-. 

© INSTAGRAM/tsaWe're not sure if this is an authentic medieval key-chain?
We're not sure if this is an authentic medieval key-chain?  - Sputnik International
We're not sure if this is an authentic medieval key-chain?

9. This is what the TSA really means when they tell you you can’t take mace on the plane. 

© INSTAGRAM/tsaA new Hallmark promotion?
A new Hallmark promotion? - Sputnik International
A new Hallmark promotion?

10. This last one is a doozy…or should I say Scooby Doozy?  Someone hid a knife in a Scooby Doo birthday card. Looks like Little Jimmy got just what he wanted! 

For more, check out their Instagram account.  Oh, and the Administration puts out a "Best Of" list every year — check out their blog!

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